Changing the MOMENTUM of our lives

Have you ever witnessed your life spiraling out of control?
Everything that can go wrong seems to go wrong.
You feel like you are living in the center of a tornado that is heading somewhere really really bad.
You feel depressed.
You see negativity all around you.
You keep attracting people, things, and experiences that make you feel worse and worse.
You keep resisting this momentum and you are struggling so hard to get out of it.
If you witness yourself living in this momentum of negativity, stop paying attention to it!

Stop resisting.
Stop struggling.
Stop fighting.
Stop running away.
Stop trying to stop the momentum.
Stop trying to change your situation.
Just stop.
Surrender to the reality of the present moment.

Take several deep breaths.
Be still.

As you stop and sit in the stillness of your Being, the momentum of negativity will slow down.
The less you resist and fight, the faster the momentum will subside.
The less you struggle to get out of it, the sooner the momentum will decelerate.
Just rest your awareness in stillness.
Merge yourself with the ever present peace underneath the thoughts.

As you align yourself with the quiet within you, the momentum of negativity will finally reach its stopping point.
And that is when you have the chance to change the direction of the momentum.
It starts with an intention of creating a momentum of positivity.

You begin by shifting your attention from negative to positive.
You start thinking one positive thought.
You find something to appreciate.
You focus on something you are grateful for.
You witness that your thinking has created a movement of the momentum.
As you begin to feel better inside, things outside begin to get better also.
You shift your awareness toward things that give you joy.
You focus on people, things, and experiences that you love.
The momentum of positivity is now moving more steadily.
Your momentum of positivity continues to expand as you become more disciplined in paying attention to the positive aspects of life.

Life is about momentum.
Life amplifies what we are paying attention to.
Life multiplies what we focus on.

So if you're feeling down in life, look at it as a great opportunity to start a new momentum in the direction of your desire. When you have hit rock bottom, it's time to start the momentum of going up!

Love and Blessings,
