Eight questions I ask myself when I'm feeling stuck in life

8 Questions I ask myself when I'm feeling stuck in life

1.     What is the highest vision of my life?
2.     What is my passion?
3.     How do I grow from here?
4.     What am I curious about now?
5.     How can I move on to next step of my life evolution?
6.     What can I contribute to the world?
7.     What is the most joyful way of living for me?
8.     What is the universe trying to manifest through me?

Our mind usually struggle to find the answers to these questions immediately.
But the answers will not come until our minds can let go of its obsession to find the answers right away.

The key is to be still...
And make peace with wherever we are right now.
Make peace with not knowing.
Make peace with your curiosity of the answers that Life will deliver to us.

The moment we let go of the struggle to find the answers, the answers will come to us easily and effortlessly.

Love and Blessings,
