Expanding our consciousness

Humans act, love, speak, behave, earn, and dream from their level of consciousness. 

Understanding this has really allowed me to forgive and understand others more easily.

I can't expect others to see the world the way I do.
I can't expect others to love me the way I want to be loved.
I can't expect others to understand me how I want to be understood.
I can't expect others to live life the way I think they should live their lives.

Each one of us is responsible in expanding and developing our own level of consciousness.
We can never force others to grow and expand without their consent.

Some of us continue to expand our consciousness as we age.
Some others choose to stay on particular level of consciousness until they die.

Nothing is wrong. Nothing is right.

It's all about the individual choice.

We have the freedom to expand, to stay the same, or to contract.

Those who learn continuously to expand their consciousness will see more possibilities in life.

Expansion of awareness can be a lonely journey.
Most people choose not to expand because they don't want to leave familiar people, place, or situations.
Personally, I would prefer to expand my consciousness than to be with people with narrow perception of life.

But then again, everyone must make their own individual choice.
Some choices are more comfortable than other. Some choices might seem stupid from other people's perspective.
But the most important thing is, we are responsible for the result we are getting in this life. If people don't like their results, they simply must change their consciousness.
Either expand or get left behind.

Love and Blessings,
