Do you feel broken inside because of those horrible things they said to you?
Maybe your father told you you are an idiot.
Maybe your mother criticized everything that you do and compared you to other kid.
Maybe your brother called you a faggot.
Maybe your classmates teased you for being different.
Maybe your teacher made fun of your ability.
Horrible opinions of others can destroy our inner spirit.
Those painful words got recorded in our mind and they became our inner voice.
They've been playing automatically for so long that we forget they are only OPINIONS, NOT FACTS!
Unfortunately, as we grow up, we believe the opinions of others to be our facts.
We often deny our own truth and choose to believe the false opinions that people give to us.
The fact is: each and everyone of us has magnificence within us.
The fact is: each human being has a gift that she and he can contribute to the world.
The fact is: we are a magnificent creation of the universe.
The fact is: we are beautiful in our own unique way.
No opinion of any human being can negate these facts.
Those horrible opinions they give to you is a reflection of themselves, they are not the FACT of your being.
Learn to embrace the fact that you are a magnificent and beloved child of the universe, you are worthy and deserving of everything wonderful that life has to offer!
No one can deny your right to be celebrated for who you really are.
Love and Blessings,
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