Is love possible?

When all I know is fear
I often wonder what does love feel like?

When I am so familiar with hatred
Love becomes an anomaly in my reality

I wonder how good love would feel
And yet I don't even believe that I will experience it

When the past had been decorated with nothing but trauma
I often wonder is love even possible in my future?

I often doubt my own worthiness
I ask myself do I really deserve the love I truly desire?

In the stillness
I face the monster that is my mind
Screaming over and over again
Reminding me about how worthless I really am
I step back and look at it without judgment
I feel powerless
I step further into the stillness
Looking for protection from the torture of my own mind
In the safety of the stillness
I ask life
Is love even possible for me?
And then I wait
Wait for life to answer me
I surrender
I surrender to any answer that life has prepared for me
