The importance of loving ourselves first

I was searching for love.
I was waiting for love from the people whose love would mean the most to me if I ever receive it.
I was feeling incomplete for not receiving love from them. 
I kept waiting and hoping. 
I had a mentality of a beggar. 
I kept believing that the absence of their love invalidated me as a human being. 
I saw myself as incomplete and inadequate without their love. 

But then one day I asked myself:
How can I ever expect to be loved by people who don't even love themselves?

How can I expect to be filled up by people who are empty inside? 
How can I expect them to build me up when they are all broken inside? 
And why do I keep thinking that I need their love so badly anyway? 

And then I realized:
Nothing and no one can satisfy my hunger for love. 
I have been searching outside what is always available inside me all along. 
The true love I have been craving for so long is my own love. 
I felt empty and incomplete all this time because I haven't been able to love myself fully. 
I have been waiting for people to love me because I don't really love myself. 
I have been begging for people's validation, approval, and admiration because I am not willing to give them to myself. 
I have blamed others for my own lack of self-love. 
I kept expecting others to give me what I'm not willing to give to myself.
I kept looking outside that I don't bother to stop and look inside.

When I am tired of running frantically looking for love from them, I stopped, I looked inside and found treasure. 
Love has always been available to me all along. 
Love lives inside me all this time. 

Some of us have been raised and surrounded by people who doesn't have love inside them. 
We passed on this pattern of self-love deficiency from one generation to the next. 
The truth is: We can stop this cycle!

When we are empty inside, we only attract more people who are also empty inside. 

Change always begins within. 
We really must love ourselves first. 
Self-love is the best foundation with which we can build the most outstanding lives that we truly deserve. 

Until we fully love ourselves, we can't love others and we can't also genuinely receive love from others. 
Until we love ourselves, we can't become the highest version of ourselves. 
Until we love ourselves, we can't align ourselves with our higher purpose in life. 
Until we love ourselves, we will continue to feel not good enough and not complete enough as a human being. 
Until we love ourselves, we will never know the true magic of being who we are. 
Until we love ourselves, we will never experience the joy of flowing together with the magnificent stream of creation of the universe. 

What does loving yourself mean to you? 
Only you can answer this question. Your answers will be unique only to you. 
Give yourself the kind of love that you desperately want from others. 

Align yourself with love so you can attract more loving people into your lives. 

The key is always LOVE and it it within us all along. 

Love and Blessings,
