Never underestimate the power of words.
I had lived my entire childhood receiving shitload amount of horrible horrible words from my parents, sibling, and classmates.
I never really acknowledge this until recently, but their horrible words had really devastated me. They destroyed my self confidence as an adult now.
My mother had a habit of comparing me to other children at school and it really destroyed my spirit early on from kindergarten.
I guess her intention was to motivate me, but the reality was, her words made me feel really horrible about myself. I felt rejected and unworthy of unconditional love.
Thanks to years of hearing disempowering words, now I live in constant fear and worry about life. I have very low self esteem and I never genuinely feel good enough as a human being.
I look at myself and everything I do as worthless and total piece of shit.
I feel horrible about myself.
Their words play on repeat in my mind and it makes me feel really depressed and afraid of people.
I become really guarded and I close my heart to people.
One of the most beautiful memories I have is when my friend's mom told me that I'm really talented. That experience made me realize that kind words work like magic. I wish my own parents had said that to me. It would mean a lot to me and it would build my self esteem early on.
From my own experience, I realize that what you speak to others can either break or build their spirit. Inspired by my past, I made a vow to myself to try as best as I can to speak about the good in people. I make a conscious decision to communicate to my friends how amazing they are. I try to use my words to empower others instead of tearing them down.
We often speak so freely without considering how our words might effect other people's spirit.
We often blurt out jokes without thinking how they might hurt somebody.
Think of your words as a gift to humanity.
Be more conscious of your words.
Speak kindness into existence.
Speak about the greatness you see in others.
Use your words to empower others.
Use your words to inspire others.
Use your words to make others believe in themselves.
There is limitless power in simple kind words.
You can't ever know how a few words of kindness and inspiration can transform people's lives beyond imagination.
Kind words can heal all wounds in our hearts.
Kind words can uplift the spirit of entire humanity.
Kind words can create peace where there were only conflicts before.
Kind words can help others become the very best version of themselves.
So be mindful of your words. Let your words create magic in the world.
Love and Blessings,
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